Code with Finding: |
class FilteredQuery {
* Returns a Weight that applies the filter to the enclosed query's Weight.
* This is accomplished by overriding the Scorer returned by the Weight.
public Weight createWeight(final Searcher searcher) throws IOException {
final Weight weight = query.createWeight (searcher);
final Similarity similarity = query.getSimilarity(searcher);
return new Weight() {
private float value;
// pass these methods through to enclosed query's weight
public float getValue() { return value; }
public float sumOfSquaredWeights() throws IOException {
return weight.sumOfSquaredWeights() * getBoost() * getBoost();
public void normalize (float v) {
value = weight.getValue() * getBoost();
public Explanation explain (IndexReader ir, int i) throws IOException {
Explanation inner = weight.explain (ir, i);
if (getBoost()!=1) {
Explanation preBoost = inner;
inner = new Explanation(inner.getValue()*getBoost(),"product of:");
inner.addDetail(new Explanation(getBoost(),"boost"));
Filter f = FilteredQuery.this.filter;
DocIdSet docIdSet = f.getDocIdSet(ir);
DocIdSetIterator docIdSetIterator = docIdSet == null ? DocIdSet.EMPTY_DOCIDSET.iterator() : docIdSet.iterator();
if (docIdSetIterator == null) {
docIdSetIterator = DocIdSet.EMPTY_DOCIDSET.iterator();
if (docIdSetIterator.advance(i) == i) {
return inner;
} else {
Explanation result = new Explanation
(0.0f, "failure to match filter: " + f.toString());
return result;
// return this query
public Query getQuery() { return FilteredQuery.this; }
// return a filtering scorer
public Scorer scorer(IndexReader indexReader, boolean scoreDocsInOrder, boolean topScorer)
throws IOException {
final Scorer scorer = weight.scorer(indexReader, true, false);
if (scorer == null) {
return null;
DocIdSet docIdSet = filter.getDocIdSet(indexReader);
if (docIdSet == null) {
return null;
final DocIdSetIterator docIdSetIterator = docIdSet.iterator();
if (docIdSetIterator == null) {
return null;
return new Scorer(similarity) {
private int doc = -1;
private int advanceToCommon(int scorerDoc, int disiDoc) throws IOException {
while (scorerDoc != disiDoc) {
if (scorerDoc < disiDoc) {
scorerDoc = scorer.advance(disiDoc);
} else {
disiDoc = docIdSetIterator.advance(scorerDoc);
return scorerDoc;
/** @deprecated use {@link #nextDoc()} instead. */
public boolean next() throws IOException {
return nextDoc() != NO_MORE_DOCS;
public int nextDoc() throws IOException {
int scorerDoc, disiDoc;
return doc = (disiDoc = docIdSetIterator.nextDoc()) != NO_MORE_DOCS
&& (scorerDoc = scorer.nextDoc()) != NO_MORE_DOCS
&& advanceToCommon(scorerDoc, disiDoc) != NO_MORE_DOCS ? scorer.docID() : NO_MORE_DOCS;
/** @deprecated use {@link #docID()} instead. */
public int doc() { return scorer.doc(); }
public int docID() { return doc; }
/** @deprecated use {@link #advance(int)} instead. */
public boolean skipTo(int i) throws IOException {
return advance(i) != NO_MORE_DOCS;
public int advance(int target) throws IOException {
int disiDoc, scorerDoc;
return doc = (disiDoc = docIdSetIterator.advance(target)) != NO_MORE_DOCS
&& (scorerDoc = scorer.advance(disiDoc)) != NO_MORE_DOCS
&& advanceToCommon(scorerDoc, disiDoc) != NO_MORE_DOCS ? scorer.docID() : NO_MORE_DOCS;
public float score() throws IOException { return getBoost() * scorer.score(); }
// add an explanation about whether the document was filtered
public Explanation explain (int i) throws IOException {
Explanation exp = scorer.explain(i);
if (docIdSetIterator.advance(i) == i) {
exp.setDescription ("allowed by filter: "+exp.getDescription());
exp.setValue(getBoost() * exp.getValue());
} else {
exp.setDescription ("removed by filter: "+exp.getDescription());
return exp;