In Method: | DirectoryReader(Directory, SegmentInfos, SegmentReader[], int[], Map, boolean, boolean, int) |
Code with Finding: |
class DirectoryReader {
/** This constructor is only used for {@link #reopen()} */
DirectoryReader(Directory directory, SegmentInfos infos, SegmentReader[] oldReaders, int[] oldStarts,
Map oldNormsCache, boolean readOnly, boolean doClone, int termInfosIndexDivisor) throws IOException { = directory;
this.readOnly = readOnly;
this.segmentInfos = infos;
this.termInfosIndexDivisor = termInfosIndexDivisor;
if (!readOnly) {
// We assume that this segments_N was previously
// properly sync'd:
synced.addAll(infos.files(directory, true));
// we put the old SegmentReaders in a map, that allows us
// to lookup a reader using its segment name
Map segmentReaders = new HashMap();
if (oldReaders != null) {
// create a Map SegmentName->SegmentReader
for (int i = 0; i < oldReaders.length; i++) {
segmentReaders.put(oldReaders[i].getSegmentName(), new Integer(i));
SegmentReader[] newReaders = new SegmentReader[infos.size()];
// remember which readers are shared between the old and the re-opened
// DirectoryReader - we have to incRef those readers
boolean[] readerShared = new boolean[infos.size()];
for (int i = infos.size() - 1; i>=0; i--) {
// find SegmentReader for this segment
Integer oldReaderIndex = (Integer) segmentReaders.get(;
if (oldReaderIndex == null) {
// this is a new segment, no old SegmentReader can be reused
newReaders[i] = null;
} else {
// there is an old reader for this segment - we'll try to reopen it
newReaders[i] = oldReaders[oldReaderIndex.intValue()];
boolean success = false;
try {
SegmentReader newReader;
if (newReaders[i] == null || != newReaders[i].getSegmentInfo().getUseCompoundFile()) {
// We should never see a totally new segment during cloning
assert !doClone;
// this is a new reader; in case we hit an exception we can close it safely
newReader = SegmentReader.get(readOnly,, termInfosIndexDivisor);
} else {
newReader = newReaders[i].reopenSegment(, doClone, readOnly);
if (newReader == newReaders[i]) {
// this reader will be shared between the old and the new one,
// so we must incRef it
readerShared[i] = true;
} else {
readerShared[i] = false;
newReaders[i] = newReader;
success = true;
} finally {
if (!success) {
for (i++; i < infos.size(); i++) {
if (newReaders[i] != null) {
try {
if (!readerShared[i]) {
// this is a new subReader that is not used by the old one,
// we can close it
} else {
// this subReader is also used by the old reader, so instead
// closing we must decRef it
} catch (IOException ignore) {
// keep going - we want to clean up as much as possible
// initialize the readers to calculate maxDoc before we try to reuse the old normsCache
// try to copy unchanged norms from the old normsCache to the new one
if (oldNormsCache != null) {
Iterator it = oldNormsCache.entrySet().iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
String field = (String) entry.getKey();
if (!hasNorms(field)) {
byte[] oldBytes = (byte[]) entry.getValue();
byte[] bytes = new byte[maxDoc()];
for (int i = 0; i < subReaders.length; i++) {
Integer oldReaderIndex = ((Integer) segmentReaders.get(subReaders[i].getSegmentName()));
// this SegmentReader was not re-opened, we can copy all of its norms
if (oldReaderIndex != null &&
(oldReaders[oldReaderIndex.intValue()] == subReaders[i]
|| oldReaders[oldReaderIndex.intValue()].norms.get(field) == subReaders[i].norms.get(field))) {
// we don't have to synchronize here: either this constructor is called from a SegmentReader,
// in which case no old norms cache is present, or it is called from MultiReader.reopen(),
// which is synchronized
System.arraycopy(oldBytes, oldStarts[oldReaderIndex.intValue()], bytes, starts[i], starts[i+1] - starts[i]);
} else {
subReaders[i].norms(field, bytes, starts[i]);
normsCache.put(field, bytes); // update cache