Code with Finding: |
class HttpCredential {
* parse.
* @exception HttpParserException if parsing failed.
protected void parse()
throws HttpParserException
ParseState ps = new ParseState(roff, rlen);
// Get the scheme first
if ( HttpParser.nextItem(raw, ps) < 0 )
error("Invalid credentials: no scheme.");
this.scheme = ps.toString(raw);
// Depending on the scheme...
this.params = new ArrayDictionary(4, 4);
if ( scheme.equalsIgnoreCase("basic") ) {
// Basic Auth nasty hack
if ( HttpParser.nextItem(raw, ps) < 0 )
error("Invalid basic auth credentials, no basic-cookie.");
params.put("cookie", ps.toString(raw));
} else {
// Normal credentials parsing
ParseState it = new ParseState();
it.separator = (byte) '=';
ps.separator = (byte) ',';
while (HttpParser.nextItem(raw, ps) >= 0 ) {
// Get the param name:
if (HttpParser.nextItem(raw, it) < 0)
error("Invalid credentials: bad param name.");
String key = it.toString(raw, true);
// Get the param value:
if ( HttpParser.nextItem(raw, it) < 0)
error("Invalid credentials: no param value.");
it.ioff = it.start;
HttpParser.unquote(raw, it);
params.put(key, it.toString(raw));