Code with Misuse: |
class MergeDocIDRemapper { public MergeDocIDRemapper(SegmentInfos infos, int[][] docMaps, int[] delCounts, MergePolicy.OneMerge merge, int mergedDocCount) { this.docMaps = docMaps; SegmentInfo firstSegment =; int i = 0; while(true) { SegmentInfo info =; if (info.equals(firstSegment)) break; minDocID += info.docCount; i++; }
int numDocs = 0; for(int j=0;j<docMaps.length;i++,j++) { numDocs +=; assert; } maxDocID = minDocID + numDocs;
starts = new int[docMaps.length]; newStarts = new int[docMaps.length];
starts[0] = minDocID; newStarts[0] = minDocID; for(i=1;i<docMaps.length;i++) { final int lastDocCount =; starts[i] = starts[i-1] + lastDocCount; newStarts[i] = newStarts[i-1] + lastDocCount - delCounts[i-1]; } docShift = numDocs - mergedDocCount;
// There are rare cases when docShift is 0. It happens // if you try to delete a docID that's out of bounds, // because the SegmentReader still allocates deletedDocs // and pretends it has deletions ... so we can't make // this assert here // assert docShift > 0;
// Make sure it all adds up: assert docShift == maxDocID - (newStarts[docMaps.length-1] + - delCounts[docMaps.length-1]); }