Code with Misuse: |
class MiniProfilerAppstats { /** * Get the Appstats data for the specified id. * * @param appstatsId * The id of the Appstats request. * @param maxStackFrames * The maximum number of stack frames to include in each RPC stack * trace. * @return The appstats data. */ public static Map<String, Object> getAppstatsDataFor(String appstatsId, Integer maxStackFrames) { Map<String, Object> appstatsMap = null; MemcacheWriter writer = new MemcacheWriter(null, MemcacheServiceFactory.getMemcacheService("__appstats__")); StatsProtos.RequestStatProto appstats = writer.getFull(Long.parseLong(appstatsId)); if (appstats != null) { appstatsMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); appstatsMap.put("totalTime", appstats.getDurationMilliseconds());
Map<String, Map<String, Object>> rpcInfoMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>(); for (AggregateRpcStatsProto rpcStat : appstats.getRpcStatsList()) { Map<String, Object> rpcInfo = rpcInfoMap.get(rpcStat.getServiceCallName()); if (rpcInfo == null) { rpcInfo = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); rpcInfoMap.put(rpcStat.getServiceCallName(), rpcInfo); }
rpcInfo.put("totalCalls", rpcStat.getTotalAmountOfCalls()); rpcInfo.put("totalTime", Long.valueOf(0)); }
List<Map<String, Object>> callInfoMap = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); for (IndividualRpcStatsProto rpcStat : appstats.getIndividualStatsList()) { // Update the total time for the RPC method Map<String, Object> rpcInfo = rpcInfoMap.get(rpcStat.getServiceCallName()); rpcInfo.put("totalTime", ((Long) rpcInfo.get("totalTime")) + rpcStat.getDurationMilliseconds());
// Get info about this specific call Map<String, Object> callInfo = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); callInfoMap.add(callInfo); callInfo.put("serviceCallName", rpcStat.getServiceCallName()); callInfo.put("totalTime", rpcStat.getDurationMilliseconds()); callInfo.put("startOffset", rpcStat.getStartOffsetMilliseconds()); callInfo.put("request", truncate(rpcStat.getRequestDataSummary(), 100)); callInfo.put("response", truncate(rpcStat.getResponseDataSummary(), 100)); // Get the stack trace List<String> callStack = new ArrayList<String>(); int i = 0; for (StackFrameProto frame : rpcStat.getCallStackList()) { if (maxStackFrames != null && i == maxStackFrames) { break; } callStack.add(String.format("%s.%s:%d", frame.getClassOrFileName(), frame.getFunctionName(), frame.getLineNumber())); i++; } callInfo.put("callStack", callStack); } appstatsMap.put("rpcStats", !rpcInfoMap.isEmpty() ? rpcInfoMap : null); appstatsMap.put("rpcCalls", !callInfoMap.isEmpty() ? callInfoMap : null); } return appstatsMap; }