Code with Finding: |
class SocialNetworkDBAThread {
/**Runs protocol to create a new a cappella group **/
public void createGroup() {
String aname, username, pwhash;
char[] charbuf = new char[22];
char[] charbuf2 = new char[22];
System.out.println("Please type the name of the new A Cappella group (or 'cancel' to cancel)");
try {
System.out.print(">> ");
aname = keyboard.readLine().trim();
if (aname.equals("cancel")) {
return ;
System.out.println("Please type the username of the new A Cappella group's Super Admin (LAST CHANCE TO CANCEL!!!)");
System.out.print(">> ");
try {
username = keyboard.readLine().trim();
if (username.equals("cancel")) {
return ;
System.out.println("Please input the password for this System Admin (no cancelling)");
System.out.println("Requirements: 6-20 char long");
System.out.println("Password should contain at least 1 lower case letter, " +
"1 upper case letter, and 1 number.");
System.out.print(">> ");
boolean valid = false;
int pwlen = 0;
while (!valid) {
EraserThread et = null;
if (!ProjectConfig.DEBUG) {
et = new EraserThread("");
Thread mask = new Thread(et);
pwlen =;
if (keyboard.ready()) {
//their password is longer than 20 characters
valid = false;
if (!ProjectConfig.DEBUG){
valid = CryptoUtil.validPassword(Arrays.copyOf(charbuf, pwlen-2));
if (!valid) {
System.out.println("Password is not strong enough");
System.out.println("Requirements: 6-20 char long");
System.out.println("Password should contain at least 1 lower case letter, " +
"1 upper case letter, and 1 number.");
System.out.println("Confirm the password");
System.out.print(">> ");
EraserThread et = null;
if (!ProjectConfig.DEBUG) {
et = new EraserThread("");
Thread mask = new Thread(et);
if (keyboard.ready()) {
if (!ProjectConfig.DEBUG) {
// secQ secA
System.out.println("Please answer the following security question for password retrieval.");
System.out.println("Type in lower case letters, and use less than 40 characters.");
char[] charBuff = new char[42];
System.out.print(">> ");
int i =;
if (keyboard.ready()) {
char[] pwd = Arrays.copyOfRange(charBuff, 0, i-2);
String answerStore = Hash.createPwdHashStore(pwd);
if (Arrays.equals(charbuf, charbuf2)) {
//generates a pwhash for storage into the database.
//have to remove the last two characters.
pwhash = Hash.createPwdHashStore(Arrays.copyOf(charbuf, pwlen-2));
Arrays.fill(charbuf, ' ');
Arrays.fill(charbuf2, ' ');
Connection conn = DBManager.getConnection();
DatabaseDBA.createAcappellaGroup(conn, aname, username, pwhash, answerStore);
System.out.println("Feel free to create another group!");
else {
System.out.println("Passwords don't match. Exiting command...");
Arrays.fill(charbuf, ' ');
Arrays.fill(charbuf2, ' ');
catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("Error getting your input! Exiting command...");
catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("Error getting your input! Exiting command...");