Code with Finding: |
class TimeFormatter {
* Format the given date as a string, according to the given
* format string.
* The format string is of the form used by the strftime(3) UNIX
* call.
* @param date The date to format
* @param format The formatting string
* @return the String with the formatted date. */
public static String format(Date date,String format) {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(50) ;
char ch;
for(int i=0;i<format.length();i++) {
ch = format.charAt(i) ;
if(ch == '%') {
++i ;
if(i == format.length()) break ;
ch = format.charAt(i) ;
if(ch == 'E') {
// Alternate Era
} else if(ch == 'Q') {
// Alternate numeric symbols
if(i == format.length()) break ;
ch = format.charAt(i) ;
switch(ch) {
case 'A':
buf.append(fullWeekDays[date.getDay()]) ;
break ;
case 'a':
buf.append(abrWeekDays[date.getDay()]) ;
break ;
case 'B':
buf.append(fullMonths[date.getMonth()]) ;
break ;
case 'b':
case 'h':
buf.append(abrMonths[date.getMonth()]) ;
break ;
case 'C':
appendPadded(buf,(date.getYear()+1900) / 100, 2) ;
break ;
case 'c':
buf.append(date.toLocaleString()) ;
break ;
case 'D':
case 'd':
appendPadded(buf,date.getDate(),2) ;
case 'e':
appendPadded(buf,date.getMonth()+1,2,' ') ;
case 'H':
appendPadded(buf,date.getHours(),2) ;
break ;
case 'I':
case 'l':
int a = date.getHours() % 12 ;
if(a==0) a = 12 ;
appendPadded(buf,a,2,ch=='I' ? '0' : ' ') ;
break ;
case 'j':
buf.append("[?]") ;
// No simple way to get this as of now
break ;
case 'k':
appendPadded(buf,date.getHours(),2,' ') ;
break ;
case 'M':
appendPadded(buf,date.getMinutes(),2) ;
break ;
case 'm':
appendPadded(buf,date.getMonth()+1,2) ;
break ;
case 'n':
buf.append('\n') ;
break ;
case 'p':
buf.append(date.getHours()<12 ? "am" : "pm") ;
case 'R':
buf.append(TimeFormatter.format(date,"%H:%M")) ;
break ;
case 'r':
buf.append(TimeFormatter.format(date,"%l:%M%p")) ;
break ;
case 'S':
appendPadded(buf,date.getSeconds(),2) ;
break ;
case 'T':
break ;
case 't':
buf.append('\t') ;
break ;
case 'U':
case 'u':
case 'V':
case 'W':
// Weekdays are a pain, especially
// without day of year (0-365) ;
break ;
case 'w':
buf.append(date.getDay()) ;
break ;
case 'X':
break ;
case 'x':
buf.append(TimeFormatter.format(date,"%B %e, %Y")) ;
break ;
case 'y':
appendPadded(buf,(date.getYear()+1900) % 100,2) ;
break ;
case 'Y':
appendPadded(buf,(date.getYear()+1900),4) ;
break ;
case 'Z':
String strdate = date.toString() ;
buf.append(strdate.substring(20,23)) ;
// (!)
// There should be a better way
// to do this...
break ;
case '%':
buf.append('%') ;
break ;
} else {
buf.append(ch) ;
return buf.toString() ;