Code with Finding: |
class CheckSideEffects {
public void visit(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
// VOID nodes appear when there are extra semicolons at the BLOCK level.
// I've been unable to think of any cases where this indicates a bug,
// and apparently some people like keeping these semicolons around,
// so we'll allow it.
if (n.getType() == Token.EMPTY ||
n.getType() == Token.COMMA) {
if (parent == null)
int pt = parent.getType();
if (pt == Token.COMMA) {
Node gramps = parent.getParent();
if (gramps.getType() == Token.CALL &&
parent == gramps.getFirstChild()) {
// Semantically, a direct call to eval is different from an indirect
// call to an eval. See Ecma-262 S15.1.2.1. So it's ok for the first
// expression to a comma to be a no-op if it's used to indirect
// an eval.
if (n == parent.getFirstChild() &&
parent.getChildCount() == 2 &&
n.getNext().getType() == Token.NAME &&
"eval".equals(n.getNext().getString())) {
if (n == parent.getLastChild()) {
for (Node an : parent.getAncestors()) {
int ancestorType = an.getType();
if (ancestorType == Token.COMMA)
if (ancestorType != Token.EXPR_RESULT &&
ancestorType != Token.BLOCK)
} else if (pt != Token.EXPR_RESULT && pt != Token.BLOCK) {
if (pt == Token.FOR && parent.getChildCount() == 4 &&
(n == parent.getFirstChild() ||
n == parent.getFirstChild().getNext().getNext())) {
// Fall through and look for warnings for the 1st and 3rd child
// of a for.
} else {
return; // it might be ok to not have a side-effect
if (NodeUtil.isSimpleOperatorType(n.getType()) ||
!NodeUtil.mayHaveSideEffects(n, t.getCompiler())) {
if (n.isQualifiedName() && n.getJSDocInfo() != null) {
// This no-op statement was there so that JSDoc information could
// be attached to the name. This check should not complain about it.
} else if (NodeUtil.isExpressionNode(n)) {
// we already reported the problem when we visited the child.
String msg = "This code lacks side-effects. Is there a bug?";
if (n.getType() == Token.STRING) {
msg = "Is there a missing '+' on the previous line?";
t.makeError(n, level, USELESS_CODE_ERROR, msg));