Code with Misuse: |
class Parser {
private Node function(int functionType)
throws IOException, ParserException
int syntheticType = functionType;
int baseLineno = ts.getLineno(); // line number where source starts
int functionSourceStart = decompiler.markFunctionStart(functionType);
String name;
Node memberExprNode = null;
if (matchToken(Token.NAME)) {
name = ts.getString();
if (!matchToken(Token.LP)) {
if (compilerEnv.isAllowMemberExprAsFunctionName()) {
// Extension to ECMA: if 'function <name>' does not follow
// by '(', assume <name> starts memberExpr
Node memberExprHead = nf.createName(name);
name = "";
memberExprNode = memberExprTail(false, memberExprHead);
mustMatchToken(Token.LP, "");
} else if (matchToken(Token.LP)) {
// Anonymous function
name = "";
} else {
name = "";
if (compilerEnv.isAllowMemberExprAsFunctionName()) {
// Note that memberExpr can not start with '(' like
// in function (1+2).toString(), because 'function (' already
// processed as anonymous function
memberExprNode = memberExpr(false);
mustMatchToken(Token.LP, "");
if (memberExprNode != null) {
syntheticType = FunctionNode.FUNCTION_EXPRESSION;
boolean nested = insideFunction();
FunctionNode fnNode = nf.createFunction(name);
if (nested || nestingOfWith > 0) {
// 1. Nested functions are not affected by the dynamic scope flag
// as dynamic scope is already a parent of their scope.
// 2. Functions defined under the with statement also immune to
// this setup, in which case dynamic scope is ignored in favor
// of with object.
fnNode.itsIgnoreDynamicScope = true;
int functionIndex = currentScriptOrFn.addFunction(fnNode);
int functionSourceEnd;
ScriptOrFnNode savedScriptOrFn = currentScriptOrFn;
currentScriptOrFn = fnNode;
int savedNestingOfWith = nestingOfWith;
nestingOfWith = 0;
Hashtable savedLabelSet = labelSet;
labelSet = null;
ObjArray savedLoopSet = loopSet;
loopSet = null;
ObjArray savedLoopAndSwitchSet = loopAndSwitchSet;
loopAndSwitchSet = null;
Node body;
String source;
try {
if (!matchToken(Token.RP)) {
boolean first = true;
do {
if (!first)
first = false;
mustMatchToken(Token.NAME, "");
String s = ts.getString();
if (fnNode.hasParamOrVar(s)) {
addWarning("msg.dup.parms", s);
} while (matchToken(Token.COMMA));
mustMatchToken(Token.RP, "");
mustMatchToken(Token.LC, "");
body = parseFunctionBody();
mustMatchToken(Token.RC, "");
functionSourceEnd = decompiler.markFunctionEnd(functionSourceStart);
if (functionType != FunctionNode.FUNCTION_EXPRESSION) {
if (compilerEnv.getLanguageVersion() >= Context.VERSION_1_2) {
// function f() {} function g() {} is not allowed in 1.2
// or later but for compatibility with old scripts
// the check is done only if language is
// explicitly set.
// XXX warning needed if version == VERSION_DEFAULT ?
int tt = peekTokenOrEOL();
if (tt == Token.FUNCTION) {
// Add EOL only if function is not part of expression
// since it gets SEMI + EOL from Statement in that case
finally {
loopAndSwitchSet = savedLoopAndSwitchSet;
loopSet = savedLoopSet;
labelSet = savedLabelSet;
nestingOfWith = savedNestingOfWith;
currentScriptOrFn = savedScriptOrFn;
fnNode.setEncodedSourceBounds(functionSourceStart, functionSourceEnd);
Node pn = nf.initFunction(fnNode, functionIndex, body, syntheticType);
if (memberExprNode != null) {
pn = nf.initFunction(fnNode, functionIndex, body, syntheticType);
pn = nf.createAssignment(Token.ASSIGN, memberExprNode, pn);
if (functionType != FunctionNode.FUNCTION_EXPRESSION) {
// XXX check JScript behavior: should it be createExprStatement?
pn = nf.createExprStatementNoReturn(pn, baseLineno);
return pn;
Code with Pattern(s): |
class CallInitOnce {
Node pattern(TokenStream ts, IRFactory nf, int functionType, Node memberExprNode, int functionIndex, String name, Node body) throws IOException {
int baseLineno = ts.getLineno();
FunctionNode fnNode = nf.createFunction(name);
// configure fnNode...
Node pn = nf.initFunction(fnNode, functionIndex, body, functionType);
if (memberExprNode != null) {
pn = nf.createAssignment(Token.ASSIGN, memberExprNode, pn);
if (functionType != FunctionNode.FUNCTION_EXPRESSION) {
pn = nf.createExprStatementNoReturn(pn, baseLineno);
return pn;