Details about the known misuse from the MUBench dataset.
The method PdfLayer.getAsString() is invoked and the result is immediately converted toUnicodeString(), without checking whether it is null. From the documentation og getAsString() we take that this is unsafe:
"Returns a PdfObject as a PdfString, resolving indirect references. The object associated with the PdfName given is retrieved and resolved to a direct object. If it is a PdfString, it is cast down and returned as such. Otherwise null is returned."
Fix Description:
Violation Types:
In File:
In Method:
Code with Misuse:
class PdfLayer {
* Adds a child layer. Nested layers can only have one parent.
* @param child the child layer
public void addChild(PdfLayer child) {
if (child.parent != null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("the.layer.1.already.has.a.parent", child.getAsString(PdfName.NAME).toUnicodeString()));
child.parent = this;
if (children == null)
children = new ArrayList<PdfLayer>();