class SegmentReader.Norm {
// IndexInput & bytes with the original one
public synchronized Object clone() {
assert refCount > 0 && (origNorm == null || origNorm.refCount > 0);
Norm clone;
try {
clone = (Norm) super.clone();
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException cnse) {
// Cannot happen
throw new RuntimeException("unexpected CloneNotSupportedException", cnse);
clone.refCount = 1;
if (bytes != null) {
assert bytesRef != null;
assert origNorm == null;
// Clone holds a reference to my bytes:
} else {
assert bytesRef == null;
if (origNorm == null) {
// I become the origNorm for the clone:
clone.origNorm = this;
// Only the origNorm will actually readBytes from in: = null;
return clone;
class SegmentReader {
public final synchronized Object clone() {
try {
return clone(readOnly); // Preserve current readOnly
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);